Rent indus­tri­al counting scales from 0.006 g to 6 tons

Industrial Scale Rental
Indus­tri­al Scale Rental for Germa­ny, Austria and EU

Looking to rent high-quali­ty indus­tri­al weighing and counting scales for a limit­ed period of time? Look no further than our expert scale rental services! Our top-of-the-line rental scales are relia­ble and precise, ensuring accura­te results for all your weighing needs. Whether you need our robust scales for inven­to­ry taking or for emergen­ci­es when your own scales are out of commis­si­on, we’ve got you cover­ed. Count on us to provi­de the best possi­ble soluti­ons for all your short-term weighing needs. Contact us today to learn more about our excep­tio­nal scale rental services.

Express scale rental for emergen­ci­es
Call +49 157 3630 8261 for immedia­te response!

As the leading counting scale rental compa­ny based in the heart of Europe (Frank­furt area, Germa­ny), we offer a wide range of rental scales that are perfect for inven­to­ry taking, emergen­ci­es, or any other short-term weighing needs you may have. Our rental scales are available not only in Germa­ny, Switz­er­land, but also across the EU inclu­ding Austria, Belgi­um, Denmark, France, Luxem­bourg and Nether­lands. Trust us to provi­de you with the highest quali­ty rental scales and excep­tio­nal custo­mer service.

Hiring our weighing scales for rent rather than purcha­sing them is an cost effec­ti­ve alter­na­ti­ve for compa­nies, who may requi­re the use one only a few times a year, e. g. for stock taking or during (seaso­nal) produc­tion peaks. We offer balan­ces with a wide weight range from 0,06 g to 6 tons. Of cause with our weight scales for renting you can beside effec­ti­ve counting also simply measu­re precis­e­ly weight in mg, g, kg or t.

Why should you hire scales from us? 

Ten benefits of our rental scales — precise, flexi­ble, cost-effec­ti­ve and easy to use:

  1. Hire precise and relia­ble indus­tri­al quali­ty counting scales from KERN & SOHN
  2. Scales with easy and consis­tent operation
  3. Wide selec­tion of diffe­rent counting scales, so you can find the right model for you
  4. Most modern “rental scale fleet” on the market with over 100 counting scales in stock
  5. No mainten­an­ce, storage, and capital invest­ment costs
  6. To cover peaks and seaso­nal fluctuations
  7. Easy proces­sing
  8. Flexi­ble rental period: you can rent our scales for a fixed period of time and then extend or return them at any time.
  9. Only pre-checked devices are shipped
  10. Fast 24-hour repla­ce­ment service in case of emergency
  11. With perso­nal consul­ta­ti­on by our experts

What types of scales you can rent from us?

We offer a varie­ty of scales for rent, including:

  • Indus­tri­al counting scales
  • Precis­i­on scales
  • Inven­to­ry scales
  • Porta­ble scales
  • Pallet scales (up to 6 t)
  • And more

Our rental scales are suita­ble for a range of appli­ca­ti­ons, inclu­ding weighing small parts or very heavy goods, inven­to­ry manage­ment, and indus­tri­al produc­tion. With a wide range of sizes and models available, you can find the right scale to meet your needs. Contact us to learn more about the types of scales available for rental and how they can help your business.

Measu­ring ESG KPIs and waste genera­ti­on with weighing scales

Further­mo­re another appli­ca­ti­on for our rented weighing scales is to calcu­la­te ESG KPIs (Environ­men­tal, Social, and Gover­nan­ce Key Perfor­mance Indica­tors). By using rented weighing scales, businesses can quick­ly and easily measu­re their waste output and track their progress towards meeting ESG goals. This infor­ma­ti­on can be used to identi­fy areas for impro­ve­ment and develop targe­ted strate­gies for reducing waste and emissions.

Here are some ESG KPIs that may requi­re the use of a weighing scale for measu­re­ment in kg:

  1. Waste Genera­ti­on: As mentio­ned earlier, measu­ring the amount of waste genera­ted by a compa­ny is a criti­cal ESG KPI. Weighing scales can be used to accura­te­ly measu­re the weight of the waste produ­ced, making it easier to track progress towards waste reduc­tion goals.
  2. Product Carbon Footprint: A company’s product carbon footprint measu­res the amount of green­house gas emissi­ons produ­ced by a product over its entire life cycle. Weighing scales can be used to accura­te­ly measu­re the weight of raw materi­als used in produc­tion, as well as the weight of finis­hed products.
  3. Packa­ging Materi­als: Compa­nies can measu­re the amount of packa­ging materi­als used in their products and opera­ti­ons by weighing them. This KPI can help identi­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties to reduce waste and switch to more sustainable packa­ging materials.
  4. Recyclable Materi­als: Weighing scales can be used to measu­re the weight of recyclable materi­als collec­ted by a compa­ny. This KPI can help track progress towards recycling goals, identi­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties to increase recycling rates, and reduce waste sent to landfills.
  5. Raw Materi­al Effici­en­cy: Measu­ring raw materi­al effici­en­cy invol­ves track­ing the amount of raw materi­als used to produ­ce a given amount of output. Weighing scales can be used to accura­te­ly measu­re the weight of raw materi­als used in produc­tion, making it easier to track progress towards effici­en­cy goals.

We are not just a “scale rental near me”, but we deliver our counting scales throug­hout Europe.

We are not just the avera­ge “scale rental near me”, but we rent our scales inter­na­tio­nal­ly across Europe. Don’t just settle for a local scale rental service. Choose a provi­der that can deliver high-quali­ty, precis­i­on scales to your locati­on anywhe­re in Europe. At our compa­ny, we offer a wide range of indus­tri­al counting scales for rent, inclu­ding precis­i­on scales, inven­to­ry scales, porta­ble scales, and more. With a modern fleet of rental scales and a wide range of sizes and models available, we can help you find the right scale for your business needs. Plus, our fast 24-hour repla­ce­ment service ensures you always have the support you need. Contact us to learn more about our scale rental services and delivery options. We send our rental scales to Germa­ny, Switz­er­land as well as across the EU inclu­ding Austria, Belgi­um, Denmark, France, Luxem­bourg and Nether­lands.

Has one of your scales broken down on short notice? Or have you just reali­sed that you are still missing counting scales for tomorrow’s stocktaking?

If one of your scales has unexpec­ted­ly broken down, or if you reali­ze you need counting scales for tomorrow’s inven­to­ry manage­ment, don’t panic! Our compa­ny offers fast 24-hour repla­ce­ment service to ensure you have the support you need. With a wide range of scales available for rental, inclu­ding precis­i­on scales, inven­to­ry scales, porta­ble scales, and more, we can help you find a suita­ble repla­ce­ment scale quick­ly and easily. Plus, our rental scales are of indus­tri­al quali­ty, ensuring accura­cy and relia­bi­li­ty for your business needs. Contact us today to learn more about our scale rental services and fast 24-hour repla­ce­ment service.

Express scale rental for emergencies
Express scale rental for emergen­ci­es across the EU just like the “scale rental near me”

We have the right soluti­on for you: We offer express scale rental to all EU count­ries with express delivery normal­ly within 24 hours of reser­va­ti­on (for reser­va­tions until 12 o’clock and only for working days).

RFQ for renting counting scales and floor scales

Counting scale / floor scale hire with counting functionality

e.g. calibra­ti­on
For what do you want to use the rental scales?
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.001 g, smallest part weight: 0.05 g, consis­ting of reference scale 300 g and platform scale 15 kg maximum weight
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.001 g, smallest part weight: 0.05 g, with battery
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.01 g, smallest part weight: 0.5 g, with battery
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.1 g, smallest part weight: 1 g, with battery
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.2 g, smallest part weight: 2.5 g, with battery
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.5 g, smallest part weight: 5 g, with battery
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 0.5 g to 30 kg / 1 g to 60 kg, smallest part weight: 10, dual range scale
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Reada­bili­ty: 2 g to 150 kg / 5 g to 300 kg, smallest part weight: 50 g, dual range scale
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
600 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 200 g, only weighing without counting function
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Weigh beam scale, 600 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 200 g
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Weigh beam scale, 1500 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 500 g
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Weigh beam scale: 1500 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 500 g Reference scale: 6 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 0.1 g, minimum piece weight: 1 g
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Weigh beam scale, 3000 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 1 kg
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Weigh beam scale: 3000 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 1 kg Reference scale: 15 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 0.2 g, minimum piece weight: 2 g
Gewähl­ter Wert: 0
Weigh beam scale, 6000 kg maximum weight, reada­bili­ty: 2 kg

Weighing equip­ment as well as counting scale for rent: Why should you rent from us?

Rent from us weighing equip­ment, becau­se our scales are precise, flexi­ble, cost-effec­ti­ve and easy to use!

  • Precise counting scales rental in indus­tri­al quali­ty exclu­si­ve­ly from KERN & SOHN, Germa­ny, founded in 1844
  • Scales with simple and uniform operation
  • No mainten­an­ce, storage and capital commit­ment costs
  • To cover peaks / seaso­nal fluctuations
  • Simple handling
  • Flexi­ble rental period, also possi­ble for longer periods
  • Dispatch of only tested equipment
  • Fast repla­ce­ment service in case of emergen­cy when a criti­cal scale is broken or being repaired

We offer the follo­wing indus­tri­al scales for hire:

Why should you choose our weighing scales for rent?

Standa­ri­zed indus­tri­al balan­ces resul­ting in fewer counting and weighing errors during inven­to­ry taking due to simple and uniform opera­ti­on / function

Accura­te counting scales are an important inven­to­ry aid in accura­te­ly and correct­ly counting inven­to­ry assets. Fewer opera­ting errors and greater measu­re­ment accura­cy through high-precis­i­on counting scales mean more accura­te physi­cal / physi­cal inven­to­ry counts. There­fo­re, use our precise scales for rent with a uniform opera­ting concept only from one German manufac­tu­rer (family-owned KERN & SOHN founded in 1844) to reduce the risk of opera­ting errors. More accura­te recor­ding of actual stock levels also avoids costly unplan­ned produc­tion downti­me due to missing parts. As a result, delivery relia­bi­li­ty, custo­mer satis­fac­tion and ultim­ate­ly a company’s sales increase.

Due to our central geogra­phic locati­on in Europe we can supply weighing and counting scales for renting across the EU in short time and at reasonable delivery costs:

Rent indus­tri­al / counting / weighing / pallet scales in the follo­wing count­ries: Austria, Belgi­um, Bulga­ria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germa­ny, Greece, Hunga­ry, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithua­nia, Luxem­bourg, Malta, Nether­lands, Poland, Portu­gal, Romania, Slova­kia, Slove­nia, Spain and Sweden.

Own adver­ti­se­ment:
Express Indus­tri­al Parts Delivery for Emergencies